Professional Services
- Speech perception under adverse conditions: the processing of social information. (Helen Reese) ongoing, Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences and University of Vienna
- Laterals in Eastern Austrian German. A description of their acoustic-articulatory properties, distribution across varieties and how they are perceived. (Jan Luttenberger) ongoing, Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences and Institute of German Studies, University of Vienna
- /kx/ in the German dialects of Austria. (David Gschösser) ongoing, Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences and Institute of German Studies, University of Salzburg
- Acoustic cues in production and perception of irony in normal-hearing and CI-listeners. (Hannah Leykum) ongoing/writing up, Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Linguistics, University of Vienna
- Cross-language mappings at the phonetic level in late bilingual Bosnian-German speakers living in Vienna. (Carolin Schmid) defended 2021, Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Linguistics, University of Vienna
- Temporal organisation in vowel + consonant sequences in two varieties of Vienna (Nicola Klingler). defended 2021, Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Linguistics, University of Vienna
- The role of one's own voice, own accent and segment type on the production and processing of second language sound contrasts (Nikola Eger). defended 2019, Institute of Phonetics, LMU
- Bridging the gap between phonetic abilities and the lexicon in second language learning. (Miquel Llompart). defended 2019, Institute of Phonetics, LMU
- Die Rolle phonetischer Information in der Sprechererkennung (The role of phonetic information in speaker recognition) (Carola Schindler), defended 2016, Institute of Phonetics, LMU (co-advisor)
- Produktion und Perzeption des alveolaren Trill [r] in bairischen Varietäten Österreichs: eine artikulatorische Pilotstudie mittels UTI-Messung und perzeptiver Erhebung typischer Lautcharakteristika. (Production and perception of the alveolar trill [r] in Bavarian varieties of Austrian German: an articulatory pilot study using UTI, and a perceptual assessment of typical acoustic characteristics). (Nina Weihs, 2024) Institute of German Studies, University of Vienna
- Perception and production of the consonant /R/ in second langauge learning: The case of Mandarin learners of German. (Xiao Gu, 2021) Institute of General Linguistics, LMU
- Processing spatio-temporal metaphors in Mandarin-German bilingual children (Enja Lee, 2019) Institute of General Linguistics, LMU
- Die Wahrnehmung der Frikative [ʁ] und [h] durch spanische Lerner des Deutschen. (The perception of the fricatives [ʁ] and [h] by Spanish learners of German). (Katharina Juhl, 2017) Institute of Phonetics, LMU
- Representation of front vowels in German learners of English: Evidence from compensation for real-time perturbation of auditory feedback. (Dianne Nowack, 2016) Institute of Phonetics, LMU
- The impact of accent familiarity on the perception of difficult sound contrasts for German learners of English. (Katrin Wolfswinkler, 2016) Institute of Phonetics, LMU
- The temporal relation between talker and word recognition. (Michael Fischbacher, 2016) Institute of Phonetics, LMU
- Taal en perceptie: over akoestische reductie en de herkenning van spreektaal tijdens fonologische variatie: een vergelijking van het Vlaams en het Nederlands (Language and perception: acoustic reduction and spoken-word recognition under phonological variation: a comparison of Flemish and Dutch, Nina Weihs, 2021) Institute of Dutch Studies, University of Vienna
- Die Rolle von Dyslexie beim Lesen in der Mutter- und Fremdsprache (The role of dyslexia in reading the native vs. a second language, Anja Fischer, 2019) Institute of Phonetics, LMU
- Die Anpassung von Lautkategorien unter verschiedenen Arten von Feedback (Adaptation of sound categories through different types of feedback, Viktoria Werner, 2015) Institute of Phonetics, LMU
- Repräsentation des englischen /th/ im Lexikon deutscher Sprecher (Representation of English /th/ in native German speakers' lexicons, Julia Utter, 2015) Institute of Phonetics, LMU
- Acoustics of /r/ in Austrian Dialects, LabAcoustics semester project, Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, 2020, MSc internship
- An ERP study of lexical tone perception in Cantonese, with Ventus Siu; 8-week summer project, MSc Program in Neurocognitive Psychology, LMU, 2014 MSc Internship
- Does speech perception improve by seeing a speaker's accent? with Veronika Wimmer; from the initial stages of set-up to running and analyzing an experiment; Inst. of Phonetics, LMU, 2013 Research Internship
- Hosting "Lab rotations" (mini internships): Guiding Master students in Cognitive Neuroscience through various stages of setting-up, conducting, and analyzing psycholinguistic experiments (Radboud University Nijmegen), 2010/11 and 2011/12
- Using real-time temporal auditory feedback perturbation to probe the cognitive representation of speech timing (Miriam Oschkinat) Institute of Phonetics, LMU Munich, Germany, defended 2021
- Learning second language speech perception in natural settings (Emily Felker) Radboud University Nijmegen, NL, defended 2021
- Fast speech can sound slow: effects of contextual speech rate on word recognition (Merel Maslowski) MPI for Psycholinguistics and Radboud University Nijmegen, NL, defended 2019
- - experimental methods
- - eye tracking
- - high-quality speech recording
- - phonetic analyses (PRAAT software)
- - scripting in PRAAT
- - editing of videos in Adobe Premiere
Supervised PhD projects
MA projects
BA projects
Member of PhD examination committees
Taught courses
Soziophonetik, part of semester seminar, BA-level; Institute of German Philology, University of Vienna, fall 2021.
LabAcoustics, seminar with internship, MA-level; Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, fall 2020.
Grundzüge der Sprachwissenschaft, semester seminar, BA-level; Institute of General Linguistics, LMU Munich, spring/summer 2019.
Vertiefung der Vorlesung Grundzüge der Sprachwissenschaft, semester seminar, BA-level; Institute of General Linguistics, LMU Munich, spring/summer 2019.
Sprachtypologie und Kognition, semester seminar, BA-level; Institute of General Linguistics, LMU Munich, spring/summer 2019.
Kategorien der Sprache II, semester seminar, MA-level; Institute of General Linguistics (MA Cultural and Cognitive Linguistics), LMU Munich, spring/summer 2019.
Akustische Segmentierung, semester seminar, BA-level; Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU Munich, spring/summer 2018.
Perzeption, semester seminar, BA-level; Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU Munich, fall 2017.
Akustische Segmentierung, semester seminar, BA-level; Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU Munich, spring/summer 2017.
Projektkurs Kognitive Sprachverarbeitung, semester seminar, MA-level; Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU Munich, fall 2016.
Akustische Segmentierung, semester seminar, BA-level; Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU Munich, spring/summer 2016.
Projektkurs Experimentalphonetik, semester seminar, MA-level; Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU Munich, fall 2015.
Psycholinguistik II, semester seminar, BA-level; Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU Munich, fall 2015.
Introduction to eye tracking; workshop; students and staff; Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU Munich, spring/summer 2015.
Spracherwerb und Bilingualismus (language acquisition and bilingualism), semester seminar, BA-level; Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU Munich, fall 2014.
Psycholinguistics II (Introduction to language acquisition), mini seminar, MA-level, in English; Department of Psychology, LMU Munich, June 2014.
Experimentelle Psycholinguistik: vom akustischen Signal zum Mentalen Lexikon (Experimental Psycholinguistics: getting from the acoustic signal to the mental lexicon) semester seminar, BA-level; Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU Munich, fall 2013.
Psycholinguistics (Introduction to experimental reasearch on language comprehension), mini seminar, MA-level, in English; Department of Psychology, LMU Munich, December 2013.
Lauterwerb in der Erst- und Zweitsprache (acquisition of sounds in a first vs. second language), semester seminar, BA-level; Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU Munich, summer 2013.
Lecture on Language in Cognitive Psychology; Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University, fall 2012.
Workshop on research methods; Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, 18-19 June 2009.Training research assistants
- Associate editor at Laboratory Phonology, the journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology (2018-)
- Editor of the special issue "Abstraction, Diversity, and Speech Dynamics" in Laboratory Phonology (with M. Pouplier, J. Harrington; 2017-2018)
Journal Articles- Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics
- Brain and Language
- Cognition
- Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences
- International Journal of Learner Corpus Research
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition
- Journal of Memory and Language
- Journal of Phonetics
- Journal of Second Language Pronunciation
- Journal of Translation and Interpretation
- Laboratory Phonology
- Language Cognition and Neuroscience
- Language Learning
- Language Learning and Development
- Memory & Cognition
- Neuropsychologia
- Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
- The Mental Lexicon
- The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
- German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (Israel)
- German Research Foundation, DFG (Germany)
- Leverhulme Trust (UK)
- National Science Foundation (USA)
- Research Grants Council of Hong Kong
- Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2013
- International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICHPhS) 2015, 2019
- Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) 2015, 2016
- Interspeech 2017, 2018
- New Sounds 2016
- 16th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, 2016
- 2nd Workshop on Psycholinguistic Approaches to Speech Recognition in Adverse Conditions
Other professional services
- Panel Member for PostTrack grant of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (2021)
- Deputy of the gender equality officer of the Faculty for Language and Literature Sciences, LMU Munich. (October 2016 - October 2019)
- Representative of the research staff in the Faculty Council of the Facutly for Language and Literature Sciences, LMU Munich. (October 2017 - March 2019)
- Co-orgenaizer of the workshop "Abstraction, Diversity, and Speech Dynamics", 3-5 May 2017, Herrsching am Ammersee. (with M. Pouplier, J. Harrington)
- Member of the Max Planck Institute's Research Facilities Committee
- Lab Meeting Coordinator
- Organizer of the symposium "Still learning after all these years: plasticity in adult language processing" at the Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TEAP), Vienna, 2013 (with H. Mitterer)
- Co-Organizer of a workshop on research methods, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, 2009 (with M. Ellert).
Languages: | German (native), English, Dutch, Polish |
Programming: | Perl, Python, R, Praat-Syntax |
Methods: |
Experimental software: | PsychoPy, Experiment builder, E-Prime, Presentation, NESU |